Free in Christ

Free in Christ

November 4, 2021

In this season where so much is changing and an entire way of being in the world has passed us by, the truth can be unpleasant to wrestle with and recognize. However, as Christians we do not shy away from the truth. In fact, as Jesus reminds us, the truth will set us free. Indeed, the truth of God’s love revealed in Christ has already set us free.

Know this dear church, what we have is the gift of God’s grace. The balm for the weary soul of this world, the peace and wholeness for the divisiveness, violence, and brokenness. God’s grace which we have received freely and can share freely.

What we are is the body of Christ, raised up to new life, already overcome death and so we face it knowing Christ is the victor and we, therefore, with him – that death does not have the last word but life and love win.

You, my siblings, are filled with life and love, with grace and forgiveness. Feel and hear and know again God’s grace poured out upon you by the power of the Holy Spirit, living and breathing and moving in you and you in God. You are blessed to be a blessing.

We are in a time of major upheaval. There has been massive change in the world and in the church. There is more change and transition and transformation to come. If anyone is in Christ there is a new creation, behold everything old has passed away, behold everything is being made new.

Amid the forces of work creating chaos in this world. In this time where the world we once knew we can know no longer in that way… Where grief and brokenness cry out and neighbors are ready to bite one another’s heads off at a moment’s notice…

We know the truth – our God is a mighty fortress and a very present help in times of trouble.
We know the truth – God has in Christ set us free from sin and death and free for serving our neighbor and working for the freedom and liberation of all.
We know the truth – the person of Christ who is our good shepherd, our strong defender, our savior, our Lord, who has not, does not, will not let anything keep him from bringing life from death, something from nothing, light that no shadow can overcome, wholeness to a broken creation.

And when we follow in the way of Jesus – giving ourselves away: time, talent, treasure, everything we have and all that we are for the sake of the gospel that the whole world may know new life in Christ, then we ourselves will see and be that light of the world, that city on the hill, that life abundant and everlasting that Jesus is and creates in and through us because, my friends, even as a way of being the church is dying, nothing with Jesus’ name on it stays dead for long.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Drew