Giving Thanks To God

Giving Thanks To God

You are a gift. Today and every day I give thanks to God for the gift that is you.

As followers of Christ, we live with a posture of gratitude as we remember that we are created out of love by a God who is love itself. Our very selves and all of creation around us are a gift. We do nothing to earn the love of God, and still by grace and through the faithfulness of Christ we are given abundant and eternal life in relationship with God and with one another.

As our nation celebrates the holiday of Thanksgiving, let us remember that there is so much more to be thankful for than we could ever name. This is why we continue to live in a posture of gratitude each and every day.

So give thanks! Give thanks today and every day. Look for opportunities in the every day moments of life to express your thankfulness – for sunshine and for rain, for relationships with others, for the smile of a neighbor, for another breath. Give thanks for those who cannot seem to find anything to give thanks for.

When we begin to seek out opportunities to give thanks, we will find that there is much to be thankful for. We will discover the richness of life. We will recognize the love of God that flows in and through everything.

I am thankful for you and for the love of God at work in your life.

Blessings on your week,
Pastor Drew