Christ The King

Christ The King

Last Sunday we proclaimed in song, prayer, scripture, and all of worship that Christ is king.

When we make that proclamation, we’re reaffirming that we, all of us, belong to a different kind of nation, one unlike the others of this world (John 18:36). This kingdom is one where love for others and abundant life for all is the primary concern.

This kingdom is different because its king is different. This king doesn’t win people over with violence or the threat of violence, but instead invites people to see that they are beloved, always have been, and always will be. This king is not one who makes others serve him, but Christ serves others. This king does not levy a tax and take from others, but gives and gives and gives. Gives forgiveness. Gives love and compassion. Gives abundant and everlasting life.

We, dear friends, are members of this community, this nation, this kingdom of Christ. One of the things the church does, is live out this kingdom life in the world here and now. What does that look like?

  • Jesus’ kingdom is one of truth, so we tell the truth to and about ourselves as we confess that we are not perfect, and hear again of God’s forgiveness for us.
  • Jesus offers hope in a world that would rather focus on fear, so we do not lose heart, we keep on loving, we continue to see the new life God brings and to celebrate it.
  • Jesus welcomes and eats with all people, so we welcome all people.
  • Jesus gives and so we give our time, our talent, our possessions to increase the life of others, to share with them the good news that they are loved by God and given abundant and everlasting life as a free gift.
  • Jesus disrupts the status quo, reaches beneath the surface, and reveals the meaning and intent of God for the world and then lives that intent. So we are a community where expectations are challenged, where we reach into the deep heart and meaning of life and discern together God’s intent for us, then put it into practice.

This is the community that you are. These characteristics and more are what you put into practice so beautifully. Christ has centered, inspired, and sent you to be this kingdom community. I am always inspired when I hear stories of how you practice love for one another and for the community – praying for each other, lending a helping hand, checking in on those who haven’t made it to worship in a while, carrying on scripture study at home, telling stories of where you saw God during the week, helping a newcomer feel and know that they have a place among us.

This is the community you join in creating, practicing, and supporting when you share yourself, your time, your skills, your money, your presence. May God continue to shape and form us into Christ’s church at Spirit in the Hills.

Blessings on your week,
Pastor Drew