Careful! It’s Contagious

Careful! It’s Contagious

We typically associate this word with the Flu this time of year. But I think there is perhaps something among us that’s even more contagious…


I’m already ready to hear the stories of the people who will pay for the fast food bills and Starbucks coffee of those behind them in the drive through, and yet I am always astounded that once even a small act of generosity like that occurs, it keeps going and spreading.

They’ve done traffic studies that show when one person let’s someone merge in, everyone around them is more likely to do the same for the next few minutes.

Being generous in giving of your time, your possessions, your money goes viral, it’s contagious, it spreads. Generosity is a hallmark of the kingdom of God, and as such, it too, is like a mustard seed or a bit of yeast, it starts small but spreads quickly, infecting everything.

All of these acts of generosity have the same origin.
The divine creator of the universe, the very essence of God, is generous.
“For God so loved the world God gave…” (John 3:16a).  For God so loves the world, God gives. And God has created us in God’s own image – created us for generosity and giving. All it takes is small seed to remind us that we are created for generosity.

The first person in the drive-through line who comes through assured of their belovedness and remembering that who they are and what they have is a gift from God to be shared inspires us to be who we are created to be – generous givers created in the image of the generous divine.

Two copper coins offered by a widow (Mark 12:38-44) who remembers that she is a gift and has a gift to share, even when others or when social norms would make us think otherwise, show us what it means to give to God and to participate in God giving life to the world, trusting that God will take whatever it is you give and use it to do extraordinary things – 5 loaves and 2 fish given and shared, God uses to feed 5,000, a small cake of meal given to a traveling prophet (Elijah) God uses to sustain a family until the end of a famine.

And you, beloved, who gives generously of your time and energy and money and possessions. You inspire me and all of us to see the gifts God has given us, to give generously so that others may have life. Your generosity is contagious, it spreads and takes over, building and growing God’s kingdom of love and mercy and forgiveness.

Blessings on your week,
Pastor Drew