Seeds of Hope for Healing and Wholeness

Seeds of Hope for Healing and Wholeness

August 25, 2022

As we welcomed Pastor Kathy Haueisen to launch our Seeds of Hope campaign this weekend, we heard the words of the prophet Isaiah and God calling us to be repairers of the breach (Isaiah 58:9-14) and the story of Jesus unbinding and healing a woman on the Sabbath (Luke 13:10-17).

It is never lost on me that when Jesus heals, he does so holistically. By that I mean that Jesus brings wholeness and so his healing is not limited to just a physical ailment. In this story, he casts out a demon, enables a woman to stand upright for the first time in 18 years, and reconnects her to her community. The healing is social, spiritual, and physical. 

I wonder what planting seeds of hope for healing and wholeness might look like for us as a congregation?
In what ways might we take action now that yields a more well and whole community in body, mind, and spirit?
How does tending to our property provide space that can be healing for nature, neighbor, and self?

I am reminded of a time a few years ago when I was meeting a community member at our church because they were going to host an event there – a support group – and they arrived at the property a few minutes before I did. When I showed up and apologized for not being there when they had arrived, they stopped me and said, “This is the most at peace I’ve felt all week. Maybe all month.” They continued to share with me how, when they came out as Lesbian in their teen years, they were cut off from their community of faith and told they were not welcome there. Until this evening, they had not intentionally made their way to a church space because of the deep hurt and the trauma they carried from that experience.

Simply providing a space, a space set apart for connection with God, nature, and neighbor, we at Spirit in the Hills shared with this woman the peace of Christ which passes all understanding. She was met with love, welcome, and peace rather than fear and hostility. 

May what we do and plant now show forth the peace of Christ to members of our congregation and our wider community for generations to come. 

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Drew