'Discipleship' Tagged Posts

'Discipleship' Tagged Posts

Tangible Good News

In Sunday’s gospel text (John 20:19-31), while the disciples are locked up in a room, afraid, grieving, and immobilized by what has happened – the arrest, crucifixion, and death of Jesus – the Risen Christ appears, brings a word of peace, inspires the disciples with the Holy Spirit (literally breathes it into them), and sends them out. But Thomas…

Another Year to Bear Fruit

Associate Professor of Preaching at Luther Seminary, Karoline Lewis, said this about last Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 13:1-9), “The world cannot afford our barrenness any longer.” I think she appropriately captures the urgency of Jesus’ parable about a fig tree for which the gardener convinces the landowner to give one more year to bear fruit. Time is of…

Jesus Is Calling

In last Sunday’s gospel reading, Luke 5:1-11, after being out on the water all day to no avail without catching anything. At the very moment when Peter and James and John are probably feeling like they are failures at fishing. When they are filled with thoughts of going hungry without anything to eat or any catch to earn a living. When they are feeling they are not…