Faith for Now and Later

Faith for Now and Later

October 6, 2022

Jesus speaks about how faith the size of a mustard seed has immense potential. This is because faith isn’t something that gets stronger the more you get, it isn’t something we measure in normal ways. Faith is the act of trusting God today and into the future. Faith comes to us as a gift. God plants seeds of faith within us that grow fruit to bless neighbor and nature and this whole world that God so loves.

Our seeds of hope are planted and being sown. Sunday we heard Pastor Kathy’s encouragement to start where we are, use what we have, and do what we can. Together we received 31 commitments to our Seeds of Hope Campaign totaling more than $260,000. 

And, by the way, if you haven’t yet made a commitment to the campaign I would invite you to do so in the days ahead as we look with excitement toward the completion of our site development work. Email the church office for more information or pick up a pledge card in the narthex this Sunday.

We do the planting and the watering and the cultivating, and we trust that God gives the growth. The seed of faith that has taken root within us gives us trust that God who is faithful to God’s people, whose love is steadfast, who does not stay far off but dwells among us in Jesus – is with us today and into the future.

As we do what we can from where we are, we know that what we have is abundant, and that what we offer for the sake of God’s mission of bringing abundant life and wholeness to a broken creation Christ can do abundantly far more with than we can ask or imagine.

Our faith is enough for now and for later because of God’s great faithfulness that reveals to us new mercies every morning and gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow (“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”). 

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Drew