Nothing Stops Jesus’ Mission

Nothing Stops Jesus’ Mission

Jerusalem, Jerusalem…

Jesus looks upon the city with boundless compassion, and with great frustration. He sees how difficult the road ahead is going to be as he longs to gather the people together as a mother hen gathers her chicks. Jesus knows that this would improve their state and give them life as well as protect them from those who would seek to prey off of the vulnerable and the ones who think they’re invulnerable alike.

I can so easily let things come between me and the love and grace God offers me. More often than I like, I choose to work on something else when I could engage my time, energy, and resources on improving my relationship with God and with others. I wonder whether I might be looked on by Jesus the same way he viewed the people of Jerusalem – a difficult task, perhaps frustrating that I won’t let God work through me for my own benefit, at times reluctant to accept the grace of God given to me because I know it will change and transform me.

The good news is that God looks upon all of us with boundless compassion. In fact, nothing stands in the way of Jesus fulfilling his mission of ushering in God’s reign of reconciliation, forgiveness, and love. Nothing stops Jesus from bringing shalom, wholeness, to a broken creation. The Pharisees deliver a death threat from Herod. Jesus responds that he must go about his work of casting out demons and healing – bringing wholeness where there is brokenness. 

The people of Jerusalem will continue to be difficult, to reject the love of God in Christ, just like I’m sure I will stubbornly push back against God’s grace and love from time to time. But this doesn’t stop Jesus either. He comes to bring life and love abundant and for all, and nothing stops him.

Not even the cross.
Nope. Death cannot keep Jesus from fulfilling his mission. On the third day he will be raised to new life. And he continues to offer life and love and to reconcile all things and all people to God and to one another.
Jesus continues to work life and love and reconciliation in you and me. Today and every day.

Find an image of a cross near you – it could be a picture on your computer/phone, maybe jewelry, perhaps just two lines meeting on the sidewalk.
Let this be a reminder to you of the extent of God’s love for you. Let it be a symbol of how nothing gets in the way of the kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven. Let it proclaim to you, and you proclaim to others, that Christ keeps on bringing life and love abundant and everlasting for the whole world.

Come to dinner (5:30pm) and worship (6:15pm) tonight as we discern and discuss what it looks like in our lives to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, which is one of our promises in baptism.

God’s grace and love for you name you beloved, remind you that you are enough, and bring you into new life.
Pastor Drew

Trusting in God
Holy Day