Holy Day

Holy Day

Did you know that these two words are the origin of our word, “holiday?”

Holidays are times to pause, reflect, and celebrate. Many of us are given time off from work for holidays and encouraged to rest and recharge.

While everyone these days seems to refer to December as the “Holiday Season,” this year April contains the holi-week for the church. Holy Week takes place from Palm Sunday (April 14th) through Resurrection Sunday (Easter, April 21st).

You may not be given the week off from work, and the world around you may not seem like it is “on holiday,” and yet, these are holy days. We will be gathering for special occasions of worship as we slow down, pause, reflect, and join Christ. Sunday 4/14 at 10am we will shout “Hosanna!” wave palm branches and lay down garments as we celebrate the entry into Jerusalem. Thursday 4/18 at 7pm we will share in the Lord’s Supper and hear Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as he has loved us. Friday 4/19 at 7pm we will cry, “Crucify him,” and experience how God is present, offering forgiveness and new life even in the midst of the deepest of suffering. And Easter morning 4/21 we will sing unending “Hallelujah’s” as we experience the risen and living Christ among us now and celebrate the defeat of sin and death.

Join in resting, celebrating, reflecting, praying, and worshiping this month and throughout Holy Week and find renewal.

A renewed sense of identity as a beloved child of God. A renewed sense of awe and wonder and the depth of God’s love and forgiveness given to you and to the whole world. A renewed sense of call to follow Christ in sharing God’s unending love and promise of new life.


Pastor Drew