You Are Salt. You Are Light.

You Are Salt. You Are Light.

Have you ever tried to be something you’re not?
I’m not so much talking about Halloween or playing pretend dress up as I am about those times when we try and be what we think others want us to be rather than being who we are.

Maybe it was when you were meeting someone new and you wanted to show only the best parts of yourself and sort of hid the less glamorous aspects that are also part of the real you. Perhaps it was a job interview when you were guessing what they hiring manager wanted you to be. Maybe it is just trying to get everyone to like you. Or was it trying to be what you felt the definition of “normal” was?

Being someone other than who we are is exhausting.

Not to mention, as Maya Angelou has said, “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

In last Sunday’s gospel reading, Matthew 5:13-20, Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount declaring to the people their identity as salt of the earth and light of the world.

In his infinite wisdom, Jesus seems to know how good all of us are at being things we aren’t. So he talks about salt losing its saltiness and light hidden under a basket, and the foolishness and uselessness of salt that isn’t salty and light that doesn’t shine.

Jesus looks at you and sees things of great value that shine for all to see and that enhance and preserve and spotlight the work and word of God in the world. Jesus exhorts you to be who you are, and to do what is your natural activity as people who have received the grace of God, the light of Christ, the life of the Holy Spirit.

And you being who you are and doing what flows freely as a response to God’s grace shines brightly, highlighting the love of God, it enhances, preserves, points to what God is up to in the world and helps others taste and see the goodness of God.

As we grow together in Christ, as we make commitments of money, time, energy, and passion to carry out our mission together, we grow into who we are. We beloved bearers of God’s own image, baptized into Christ, we are children of God, members of Christ’s body, salt of the earth and light of the world. As recipients of God’s gift of grace that saves us from sin, death, and the forces of evil and for love and service to God and neighbor, we commit ourselves to the way of Christ, to the reign of heaven that is at hand, to being what God has made us – salt and light pointing to what God has done, is doing, and will do.

Thank you, siblings in Christ, for all of the ways you refuse to hide your light under a basket, but rather shining the love of Christ in word and deed through countless acts of kindness and every offering made in Christ’s name.


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