Lent 2021 Daily Devotion (Page 2)

Lent 2021 Daily Devotion (Page 2)

Lent 2021 Daily Devotion – Day 37

FEAR READ: Psalm 27 REFLECT:What things do you worry about?What do you fear?Take a moment to acknowledge those fears and lift them up in prayer. PRAY: Creator God, fear is like water, it runs on its own. It is powerful. A little bit of fear is a good thing. Too much fear and you’ll drown. There is much to be afraid of in this fragile life, so today I bring you the…

Day 36: Know

KNOW READ: John 10:14 REFLECT:Think of someone who knows you.What are three things this person does not know about you?Remember that God knows us fully PRAY: God who knows, most of us walk around begging to be seen, begging to be known. However, I don’t have to beg with you. You know me completely. You see me. You hear me. You walk with me. There is no fighting for…

Day 35: Breath

BREATH READ: Psalm 146 REFLECT:As you inhale and exhale, reread verses 8 and 9.Allow those words to sink into your bones so that you can sing God’s praises all day long PRAY: God of the air in our lungs, at the end of my life, I will ask, “Did I do enough?” Will there be less prisoners, less widows, less orphans, less suffering? Will I have cared about the…

Day 34: Mud

MUD READ: John 9:1-17 REFLECT:What are you passionate about?What do you have, and what can you use that is right at your fingertips, to lean into that passion? PRAY: God who breathed life into dust, I should have known that you would use mud to heal. I should have known that you would use what was right there at your fingertips to change the world. Teach me to do the…

Day 33: Setting Your Mind

SETTING YOUR MIND READ: Mark 8:31-33 REFLECT:What conversations are hard for you to hear?Lean into active listening today PRAY: Holy God, how often am I Peter? How often do I set my mind on human things, as opposed to what you would have me think of? Help me shift my gaze to see the bigger picture, to see you, to see my neighbor. Forgive me for the times when I get…

Day 32: Trust

TRUST READ: Psalm 31 REFLECT:Complete these sentences:I believe God is____.I believe Jesus is___.I believe the Spirit is___.I believe faith is___. PRAY: Trustworthy God, there is so much that I do not understand about this world, but still, I trust in you. I trust that love is real, and that you are in love. I trust that joy is real, and that you are in joy. I trust…

Day 31: Joy

JOY READ: Psalm 105 REFLECT:What brings your soul true, abiding joy?Can you incorporate more of that into your life? PRAY: God of deliverance, you brought your people out of Egypt with joy, so I know that joy is part of what you want for us. Help me to practice sparking joy in my own life. Give me the wisdom to pursue not the things that make me momentarily happy,…

Day 30: Bread

BREAD READ: John 6:41-51 REFLECT:What are the most meaningful meals you have had?What made them holy? PRAY: Bread of life, this Lenten season, I want to practice seeing you at every table— every place where food is shared, hands are held, and laughter is exchanged; every quiet table where I eat alone. I want to see you in all of it—the holiness and the ordinary. Open…

Day 29: Clay

CLAY READ: Jeremiah 18:1-6 REFLECT:What relationships and events in your life have shaped you?Where was God in that? PRAY: Great potter, if I am clay, then I fear I am being molded by the world. I fear that I am in the hands of news feeds, social media, to-do lists, and social pressures. However, what I want is to be clay in your hands. I want to be shaped by you. I…

Day 28: Afraid

AFRAID READ: John 6:16-20 REFLECT:What do you fear?Research shows there is healing when we write, so write down your fears. Let it be a prayer. PRAY: God of promise, there is so much that I fear. I am afraid of failing. I am afraid of hurting those I love. I am afraid of relationships falling apart, and of time passing too quickly. I am afraid that I will never reach…