Who Am I and What Is My Call in This Giant Universe?

Who Am I and What Is My Call in This Giant Universe?

July 21, 2022

I continue to be awestruck by the wonder-full images of our universe taken by the James Webb Space Telescope like the one below:

We are seeing images of things that were merely invisible until now. In many ways, scientists new something about what was “out there” that we had not seen before. The Hubble Telescope gave us some previous images, and the engineers and astronomers and astrophysicists knew where to point the camera. But we are seeing images of what was up until now invisible.

 Pictures and experiences like this pull us out of ourselves. They remind us just how big the universe is – and how small we are in comparison. They also remind us that humanity is together on this planet hurtling through space. Our individualism is set aside as we gain new perspective.

In this great big world and greater, bigger universe, who are we and what are we being called to do?
In the midst of this ever-expanding universe, we are named beloved by the author of the universe and everything in it.

Our reading from Colossians 1 last Sunday reminded us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. That in Christ, God becomes particular and specific and visible. In Christ, we are able to see what is otherwise beyond our sight as God reveals God’s self.

In Christ, we hear and see and come to know who and whose we are. And when Christ calls, “Follow me,” or commands (as he does at the end of our Gospel reading from Luke 10:25-37), “Go and do likewise,” we hear and see and come to know our calling and vocation. In this universe, we are called to love God and to love neighbor. Thinking not on “What will happen to me or what is in it for me if I stop and help my neighbor?” like the priest and Levite from the parable, but instead considering, “What will happen to my neighbor if I do not stop and help?” Then moving with mercy and compassion to act for the benefit of our neighbor.

What a beautiful gift and call, that in this grand universe beyond our sight and comprehension, we are fully known and loved by God and we have the opportunity to love God and neighbor in thought, word, and deed. The same God and author of the universe that resides in the galaxies and stars also makes God’s home among us and in us. That is some really good news.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Drew