Come, Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit

June 9, 2022

The energy of the church is the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes we forget this. We look to the church’s leaders, to our pastors, to our bishops, to our young adults, to our youth, to our resources all in search of energy that will move us, enliven us, wake us up, get us going, sustain us.

We look to everyone and everything before we remember that the Holy Spirit is that which gives life and breath and movement to the church. 

At Spirit in the Hills we try our best to remind ourselves of this truth as we speak our mission statement and claim our identity as people inspired by the Holy Spirit.

I wonder what winds – be they gentle breezes or near tempest – are moving us right now if only we would stop fighting against them. I wonder what flames – of energy and of refining and of warmth – we have been too afraid to sit near but are ready to energize us to love and give us new life once more.

Come, Holy Spirit, breathe life into your church again.
Come, Holy Spirit, and let us look to you for our energy and motivation and power.
Come, Holy Spirit, among us wherever we are so that we might live your love in our lives through word and deed today and always.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Drew|