Reconnect: Creating Community Centered in Christ and Rooted in Love WEEK SIX October 14, 2021

Reconnect: Creating Community Centered in Christ and Rooted in Love WEEK SIX October 14, 2021

October 14, 2021

As we come to the end of another period of COVID-induced exile, we’re considering what we have learned from God about the kind of community and culture we are called to create and participate in as people of faith. We have an opportunity, as we reconnect with God, one another, and creation, to form communities that offer the world a glimpse of God’s kingdom here and now.

So far, we heard Christ’s call to create communities that include people and perspectives who are usually overlooked or ignored, beginning from an assumption of unity rather than division, and to shape our communities around the cross – giving of ourselves for the life and love of our neighbor, to be great by welcoming children, humbling ourselves, and leading with bold compassion, courageous empathy, and radical love. 

This past week, Jesus pushes us to consider what really matters, examine our priorities, and reassures us that it is always about what God has done, is doing, and will do to bring life and love for the whole world. 

Two questions posed to Jesus stand out from last Sunday’s gospel reading, Mark 10:17-31. 
The first, from the rich young man, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
He knows what God is calling him to do, he has read and seen and followed the commandments, but he has loved his possessions and trusted his wealth more than he has loved God and neighbor and trusted God. So he grieves as he walks away, knowing what he is being called to do. Even more, it seems that when he leaves, his focus is still on himself, “what must do?

The second question comes from Peter, “Who then, can be saved?”
The disciples, who don’t have much, and who left what they did have, are grieving because they do not have many possessions – in contrast to the rich young man grieving because he has many possessions. They don’t understand what they can do to inherit eternal life.

Here’s the kicker, inheritance isn’t something you earn by doing, it is a gift given to you because of who you are, whose family you belong you are part of. And so, Jesus responds, “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God.” Salvation, eternal life, is a gift from God. It is our inheritance given to us because God has called us God’s own beloved children and adopted us into the family because of Christ. 

Christ confronts us with the hard truths that we all too often place our trust in ourselves and in possessions and prioritize wealth rather than trusting God and seeking first God’s will and ways. 

You have been named and claimed as God’s own beloved, you can boldly approach the throne of grace, knowing that it is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, to give you life and love again and again. 

What is ours to do is to receive that grace, step into it confidently, share it freely, and trust it now and forever.May the God who loves you enough to give his very self to invite you and bring you into eternal life give you the humility and the passion to give your life for your neighbor. 
Pastor Drew