What Comes Next? Following the Good Shepherd

What Comes Next? Following the Good Shepherd

April 29, 2021

On Sunday we continued our series exploring What Comes Next? as we entered into the stories of scripture when the disciples are wrestling with that same question in the wake of the resurrection. Where do we go from here, what does it mean to live the Jesus way right here and right now?

We took a particular look at Jesus’ statement, “I am the Good Shepherd” and his explanation of what that means in John 10. Jesus tells us that the Good Shepherd knows his sheep, that he lays down his life for the sheep willingly placing himself between his flock and those people and forces who would seek to harm them, and that he has sheep in other flocks and folds who he is gathering into one group.

Being a sheep means that we follow our Good Shepherd. It means that Jesus lays down his life for you and for me. And it means that we are not alone, there are people we have yet to meet and encounter who are always being sought after, invited in, and welcomed. 

Also, as the body of Christ, we are called to be like our Good Shepherd. To lay down our life that others may have abundant life – setting aside our own desires to do the will of God, sacrificing some of our freedoms and rights when they keep us from loving one another as Jesus has loved us, giving generously, changing our lifestyle. Following the Good Shepherd means remembering we are called to care for those on the “inside” and those on the “outside” because everyone is being gathered together into one fold and flock. 

In our Wednesday What Comes Next? Conversations at 7 PM, we’re talking in-depth about what it means to be the body of Christ right here and right now. How might our community be changed if we looked and acted more like our Good Shepherd?
Catch up on those Wednesday conversations and join us next week by clicking here.

May the God who brought Jesus from death to life fill you with new life and open you up to the presence of the risen Christ with you now and always. 
Pastor Drew