Lent 2021 Daily Devotion – Day 43

Lent 2021 Daily Devotion – Day 43


READ: Philippians 4:4-9

When have you experienced anxiety in your life?
What did it feel like?
What steps do you take to center yourself?
Where is God in that?


What did it feel like? What steps do you take to center yourself? Where is God in that? God of peace, we are all a little bit anxious. Our world moves so fast. How could we not be? I know anxiety is not what you wish for us, because you have always wanted whole, full, peaceful lives for your people. So today I ask for your deep breaths and a calm spirit. Relieve my anxiety. Center me. Help me slow down in a fast-paced world. Amen.

—Prayer by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org