Halfway to Easter

Halfway to Easter

How’s your Lent going?  Mine has been doused in heavy hand-washing and disinfectant.  Did not see that coming—certainly not in November when we first started imagining this faith storytelling series. But I’m so glad we collected our “God moments” for this time.  Now that we can’t see each other face-to-face as often, I am even more grateful for these daily notes that share our hearts.

Examining our lives and writing down the meaningful times offers a spiritual deepening for me, and I hope for others who are sharing their stories. Having an audience provides a second gift—a deeper connection with each other.

Maybe it goes without saying that writing a faith story begins with prayer—what I want to practice as an act of humility and hope with a dash of courage.  Those elements help me feel closer to God. The result may later look like a story or song, but I like to think of it as a preserved conversation with God that reminds me of times I could clearly sense we both participated.

As curator and coaxer of this series of faith stories, part of the miracle for me happened when people have said they don’t remember writing the words, but fully agree with the stories they’ve shared.  They thank me for my edits.  Please know I’ve hardly changed a word.  But I’ve experienced the same sensation when re-reading my devotional journal over the years.  Not a soul has read them, much less edited them, but they have a fresh way about them that I can only credit to an invisible partner.  

There is some risk in vulnerably reaching out with our hearts on these daily pages. So if the stories and music have resonated with you, I hope you can express that to the writers. (A link to the church directory appears at the end of each story.) Sharing our sense of awe and wonder multiplies it.

As you have seen over the last three weeks, our dear church has a wide variety of insights on how God accompanies us in so many ways. If you have been inspired to offer a story of your own, please know it is still welcome.  We have newsletters and a website, bulletins and temple talks that benefit from all voices.  

I’m encouraged to remember Lent is not the end of our stories, but leads us to the grace to tell our stories all the way to the great bye and bye.—Becky Rische

Thank you for our unique voices and the chance to honor them with Your guidance.  
Show us where our stories carry Your signature, and give us the language and courage to share them.
Then send our words in a holy direction to land with grace on the hearts of those who need them.