Ash Wednesday and Truth

Ash Wednesday and Truth

Ash Wednesday (and really the entire Christian life) is about being open and honest about just how broken and messy we are. Ash Wednesday is a time for deep confession as we re-turn to the cross of Christ throughout Lent. An acknowledgment of our frailty and our dependence on God. Ash Wednesday is about being reminded of the truth – about ourselves, about life and death, about God.

We (myself included for sure) spend so much time curating the best impression of ourself for others to see. We expend so much energy and effort covering up our mistakes, rough edges, and brokenness. Days like today where we remember and tell the truth of life’s messiness are beautifully counter-cultural.

May we all hear and experience the truth today. And let us rest in the sure and certain hope that nothing, no sin or mistake or despair, not even death, can separate us from the love of God in Christ. The source and ground of the universe constantly makes things new. God breathes life into the dusty, chaotic mess of the universe. God who enters into the messiness and brokenness to live with us and show the extent of God’s love for us.

No matter how messy dust is, God enters into it, into us. God has breathed life into us and continues to do so each moment. God loves us – our true, messy, beautifully imperfect selves. And God transforms us, makes us new each day, alive with Christ to join in being light for the world.

I hope you will join us for the fish fry (5:30pm) and worship (6:15pm) this evening as we reflect on the way we are connected to everyone and everything else and the overwhelming love of God for each of us and for all of us.

God’s grace and love transform you and me into brilliantly shining beacons of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, and life. Shine!
Pastor Drew