Good Soil Week 1 – Gospel Reading and Sermon July 12, 2020
Deacon Darcy Middlestadt offers a word of grace, truth and hope. Pastor Drew invites us to reflect on this parable and what it means for our lives. How do we cultivate good soil in our life and in our community? What rocks do we need to move out of the way? What thorns must we cut down? Where might…
What Can I Say About This Generation? – Gospel Reading & Sermon July 5, 2020
When you won’t respond to the method you have to ask yourself if it might be the message that is offending you. Jesus challenges our notion of what it means to live an abundant life, but he invites us to lay down our heavy burdens and to come and find rest for our whole selves as we walk the…
Hospitality on the Move – Gospel Reading and Sermon June 28, 2020
We will continue to seek to live out what we say when we say, “All are welcome.” May it really mean ALL. Even as we move to a new space and place, we know Christ is the one sending us out to participate in his mission and that we don’t go alone.